Please continue to read the entirety of this message as it pertains to your membership and action is required if you are not currently enrolled in the new Member365 membership portal.
Please note, ABWP Membership Dues are now to be paid on an Annual basis and are due at the beginning of each calendar year on January 1st. You will have a 90-day lapse grace period to pay your membership dues before your membership with ABWP cancels. For any questions, please email us at
We are looking forward to seeing you in our new membership portal soon!
Privileges of Voting Members
Voting members of the Association shall have all the rights of membership including but not limited to the privilege to attend all meetings; the right to vote on all propositions and elections submitted to the membership at large; the right to hold an office or receive any honor of the Association; the right to vote or serve on committee(s); and the right to participate in all activities and benefits provided by the Association.
Choose your category and select Join Now. You will be routed to our membership portal.
Privileges of Non-Voting Members
Non-voting members shall have the right to attend all open meetings of the Association; the right to serve and vote on advisory committees; the right to receive any honor of the Association; and the privilege to participate in all activities deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. Nonvoting members shall not have the right to vote on propositions or in elections, or, except for the Student Representative, to hold office in the Association.
Choose your category and select Join Now. You will be routed to our membership portal.