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We are pleased that you are interested in joining The Association of Black Women Physicians. Becoming an ABWP member means that you join an established community of successful women comprising a network of more than 500 physicians and physicians-in-training. We are women who endeavor to enhance the personal and professional lives of present and future Black women physicians. We believe you will find the programs and activities of ABWP relevant to and a reflection of the shared interests and needs of its members. You will also find a place that supports your dreams and celebrates your successes. Below is a list of our Voting and Non-Voting Membership categories to choose from. Existing members can always access and manage your ABWP Memberships, click and bookmark the link on the button below.

Membership Portal Log-In


  • Access to our monthly newsletters with updates on quality job openings and CME opportunities.
  • Free AMWA Affiliate Membership
  • Exclusive invites to ABWP professional networking events. 
  • Access to social and community philanthropic outreach activities.
  • Opportunities for leadership and skills building through participation on committees and community engagement. 
  • Great Work Perks” with online discounts/rewards to Universal Studios, Six Flags, Costco, shows, sporting events, and so much more.


Thanks to a new partnership, physicians of the Association of Black Women Physicians (ABWP) can get FREE membership in the  American Medical Women's Association (AMWA). AMWA is the oldest multispecialty association for women in medicine, and our mission is to help advance women in medicine, advocate for equity, and improve healthcare. AMWA can make a real difference starting as early as during premed level, medical school, residency, and beyond. Please check our  website to learn more about what AMWA has to offer! To learn more (Log Into the Membership Portal).

ABWP Membership Dues are paid on an annual basis and are due at the beginning of each calendar year on January 1st.  You will have a 90-day lapse grace period to pay your membership dues before your membership with ABWP cancels.  For any questions, please email us at

Privileges for Voting Members

Voting members of the Association shall have all the rights of membership including but not limited to the privilege to attend all meetings; the right to vote on all propositions and elections submitted to the membership at large; the right to hold an office or receive any honor of the Association; the right to vote or serve on committee(s); and the right to participate in all activities and benefits provided by the Association.

Choose your applicable category and select Join Now. You will be routed to our membership portal to begin a short application.

Physician Member

$175 Annual Dues

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Any person who is a Black woman physician, currently licensed to practice medicine or surgery or currently eligible for such licensure, whose ethical and professional qualifications conform to those required for membership by the National Medical Association and/or the American Medical Association, is eligible to be a member of the Association. Retired Black women physicians in good standing with state medical boards may have voting privileges if dues are paid. 

Lifetime Member

$1,500 One-Time Fee

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Any Black woman physician eligible for membership who has been a dues paid physician member of the Association for a minimum of five years is eligible to be a lifetime member of the Association.

Intern/Resident/Fellow Member

$50 Annual Dues

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Any Black woman physician who is an intern, resident or fellow-in-training who is appointed to an accredited hospital or program or who is eligible for such an appointment, whose ethical and professional qualifications conform to those of the Association, as well as the National Medical Association and/or American Medical Association.

Privileges of Non-Voting Members

Non-voting members shall have the right to attend all open meetings of the Association; the right to serve and vote on advisory committees; the right to receive any honor of the Association; and the privilege to participate in all activities deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. Nonvoting members shall not have the right to vote on propositions or in elections, or, except for the Student Representative, to hold office in the Association.

Choose your category and select Join Now. You will be routed to our membership portal.

Emeritus Member

No Annual Dues

Join Now

Any Black woman physician who is temporarily or permanently retired from the practice of medicine or surgery whose ethical and professional qualifications conform to those of the Association, as well as the National Medical Association and/or the American Medical Association, who has been a dues paid member of the Association for a minimum of five (5) years.

Student Member

$10 Annual Dues

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(i) Any Black woman who is currently enrolled in an accredited allelopathic[PA1] or osteopathic medical school, or (ii) any Black woman who is enrolled in an accredited college, university or post baccalaureate program or who is eligible to apply to medical school.

Associate Member

$100 Annual Dues

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Physicians who are members of chartered medical organizations in non-U.S. countries, (ii) U.S. physicians who are located in foreign countries engaged in medical missionary work, (iii) physicians and non-physicians engaged full-time in academic teaching in an accredited medical school and not engaged in clinical practice, and/or (iv) holders of a doctorate / Ph.D. in a medical health field.

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